Wednesday 27 August 2014

Race 8: The Canterbury Half Marathon

Hills, hills & more stupid hills! I appear to be a glutton for punishment when it comes to going up & down as this race proved. Although not quite as 'undulating' as Dartford, there was a monster downward slope between miles 2 & 3 which, given that this was an out & back, came back to bite me on the bum between miles 10 & 11! 60 metre decline/incline in half a mile is fun one way but not so much the other...

It was a pretty damp day, which was a blessing after the heat waves of my previous runs. I was certainly pleased with the weather. My support team, not so much....

This helped to a slight improvement in my time from Dartford. I finished bang in 100th place (out of over 450 starters) in a time of 1:37:44.

Next up, the Tonbridge Half Marathon, my last half of the year. Here's hoping for similar weather but a flatter course, to try and get sub 1:30. It can be done!

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Race 7: The Dartford Half Marathon

Another month, another race with a stupid amount of hills....

After a distinct lack of training (this is becoming a worrying theme) it was with some trepidation that I set off. Having read that it was not a PB course, I was pleasantly surprised by the gentle hills. Until mile 3, which saw a 25m climb in the space of 1/4 mile. Which was nice.... What followed were 3 more similarly steep peaks, topped off with a killer final hill at about mile 10, which was a 40m incline in under 1/2 mile!

I'm pleased to say that I was able to keep a relatively consistent pace throughout the race and finished with s respectable time of 1:40, about 10mins off my PB so about on par for the course.

As expected, my 'support' staff was more interested in trying to steal my post-race banana but it was nice to be cheered along nonetheless! I was especially chuffed by hearing the MC at the finish line liken me to Usain Bolt as I sprinted (well, sped up slightly) over the finish line, which is nice!

Next up is the Canterbury Half Marathon, another hilly half. Training is going well so am aiming for at least 1:40 again, if not slightly better. I'll also try not to be QUITE so late with my update next time as well!